This book, authored by Tony Becker and Mike Reade, was designed to provide comprehensive and practical information on how to conduct effective and accurate pedestrian and cyclist crash investigations. It is intended for law enforcement officers, traffic engineers, and other professionals involved or interested in pedestrian and cyclist crash investigations.
The information in the book is based on the latest research, literature, and data on pedestrian and cyclist crash investigations, as well as the over 35 years of experience and expertise of the authors. It is to be used as a guide and a reference for pedestrian and cyclist crash investigations and is not a substitute for training and experience.
Topics covered in book include: Pedestrian and Cyclist Investigation, Evidence Collection, Pedestrian-Cyclist Dynamics and Trajectories, Pedestrian-Cyclist Formulas, Relevant Laws, Regulations, and Standards that apply to these types of crashes, and more. Appendices include a List of Symbols, a Glossary of Medical Terms, Data Collection Forms, and Resources and References.
Copyright 2024 by Tony Becker and Mike Reade
Specifications: 232 pages; 9 x 12; Spiral Bound
Publisher: Forensic Training Group, 2024
ISBN number: 979-8-218-38197-4
$70.00, including shipping and handling.
To order, click here.
The HEAVY TRUCK BRAKE FORCE CALCULATION EXCEL WORKBOOK was created John Bruno, retired Michigan State Police, to assist the crash investigator in the completion and analysis of heavy truck braking systems. Consisting of several worksheets, the investigator will be able to enter field data and examine the results using the excel spreadsheets.
The program also assists the investigator in the analysis of rollovers, off-tracking, axle weight reconstruction and the calculation of ECM data.
Note: Your purchase will provide a One-Year subscription to the workbook. Once your payment has been accepted, you will receive a link to the spreadsheet via email, which will expire one year from date of purchase. Once the workbook expires, the user will no longer be able to see analysis results and the worksheet will not be functional. This worksheet will not be able to be reused if you renew your subscription. You will be provided with a new worksheet with a new expiration date.
Additionally, Microsoft Office 365 will be required for the spreadsheet to operate.
To order, click here.
by Scott Skinner
The opinions expressed in our published works are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Forensic Training Group (FTG) or its Editors. Information contained in our published works have been obtained by the authors from sources believed to be current and reliable. However, neither Forensic Training Group nor its authors guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information or shall be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
Simulations of Pedestrian Impact Collisions with Virtual CRASH 3 and Comparisons with IPTM Staged Tests