This 5 day block of training is designed for the advanced technical investigator and/or collision reconstructionist seeking to understand the advanced techniques needed for reconstructing heavy vehicle collisions. Upon conclusion of the class, the student should be able to evaluate a heavy vehicle's ability to stop, reconstruct a heavy vehicle's axle weight, calculate a dynamic vehicle rollover threshold, interpret extracted data from Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorders and telematic systems, and follow the proper procedures for post-crash inspections. Completion of this class will also better prepare the student to be successful in courtroom presentations.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This 2 day block of training is designed for the investigator responsible for collecting physical evidence from compromised heavy truck systems. The post-crash inspection provides traffic crash reconstructionist with the information needed to complete their analysis. A thorough explanation of the air brake and electrical system(s) found on most heavy trucks is necessary to understand the scene evidence. Students will receive instruction on how to do a compliance or forensic inspection on heavy trucks after crashed that result in damage. They will also be able to participate in practical exercises involving hands-on inspections of crashed trucks, plumbing damaged air brake systems, and identifying and removing electronic control modules.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This 4 day block of training offers an overview into the history, development, and function of heavy vehicle digital forensics. The investigator’s expanded interpretation skills will assist in the completion of a situation-based crash reconstruction. Topics included are: Best practices used to access and document HVEDR data, HVEDR Data Available on Heavy Trucks, Use of OEM software/adapters, as well as the Synercon Forensic Link Adapter and TruckCRYPT software (if needed), Validation Testing Case Analysis
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This 4-day training will expand the students’ knowledge on HVEDR digital data analysis. This class will consist of a review, followed by a deep dive into previous testing, validation and research articles on each OEM with references. Additional topics include analysis for collision mitigation from Wabco, Bendix and Detroit Assurance with previous testing, validation and research on each. A workbook is issued with this class where students will be required to complete bit-sized analysis sections, eventually building on the full complete reconciliation of data files. This course goes over several portions of heavy truck digital data analysis from actual cases worked, which will allow the student to experience real life correlation of digital data. As this course progresses, discussions about specific topics to be aware of when testifying along with a specific lecture on expert evidence outlining pitfalls and traps to avoid.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This 2.5-day starts with a refresher of definitions, supported vehicles and recent updates to OEMs. Progression into damaged vehicles, supplying power to a partial system, off-vehicle imaging considerations and predictive mentality are discussed. The bread and butter of the course talks about digital data from Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems from Wabco OnLane/OnGuard, Bendix Wingman Fusion, and Detroit Assurance. Other data sources such as dash cameras, electronic logs and fleet tracking systems are also included. The final pieces of this training opportunity included digital data from trailers and transmissions and how they may be of relevance to semi-truck collision investigations. This class offers a half day of practical testing with collision mitigation system(s).
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This 3-day class focuses specifically on the needs of the crash investigator who must assess driver behavior and render his or her opinions "beyond a reasonable doubt." Major topics include: determining and justifying a minimum visibility distance, finding an appropriate
perception-response time, examining changes in driver response time based on different attributes of the environment, identifying potential versus immediate hazards, discussing unusual crash types that may require additional work or expertise. Other topics may be included, based on the needs of the students.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This is a 40 hour technical training course for advanced collision investigators. The class is designed for the advanced technical investigator and/or ACTAR accredited Reconstructionist who wants to fully understand the principles of momentum without the use of situational formulas. Upon conclusion of the class the student should be able to derive momentum formulas based on the dynamics of the crash, understand and perform vector sum analysis, and have a better working knowledge of post-impact drag factors. Completion of this class should better prepare the student to investigate motor vehicle collisions and be successful in courtroom presentations.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This 5-day block of training expands on the collision knowledge of the techniques and applications that are taught in a basic collision investigation course and introduces students to the mental and physical requirements needed for operators to safely operate a motorcycle. This course is for those who wish to build upon the fundamentals with a more advanced concept of mathematical formulas utilized to analyze motorcycle collisions. Some topics that are covered are: analyzing and interpreting motorcycle collision scenes, determining acceleration and decelerations characteristics of motorcycles, nomenclature, gearing positions, tires, analyzing the characteristics and principles of gyroscopic procession, instability and handling characteristics, and validation testing and case analysis.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This five-day program is designed for traffic crash investigators who require additional training in the field of pedestrian/bicycle/motorcycle crash reconstruction. During this training the traffic crash investigator will learn to identify and interpret physical evidence specific to the scene, vehicle, and victim. Students will be provided with an understanding of the dynamics and movements of the pedestrian/cyclist involved in the collision. Also included will be detailed analysis of the most common equations used in the investigations of pedestrian and cyclist crashes. Students will receive a copy of Pedestrian/Cyclist Reconstruction Manual, authored by Tony Becker and Mike Reade.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
Are you taking full advantage of the powers of the Smart Sensor Simulator #2 (SSS2)? This 2-day course builds on the student's previous training in the field of Heavy Vehicle Event Data Recorder (HVEDR) technician and analyst training, focusing on the Synercon Technologies SSS2. This training will take a deep dive into the functions of the SSS2. Students will experience setting fault codes, eliminating fault codes and building loadable files for the SSS2. This training will provide the student with the best practices need to use the SSS2 equipment. Students must have prior training in extracting digital data from Electronic Control Modules (ECMs) be familiar with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) software. Having an active TruckCRYPT subscription is not mandatory. Forensic Training Group is the authorized trainer for Synercon Technologies.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
. Upon completion of this 2-day training block, the student will be able to download heavy truck digital data and upload the using TruckCRYPT software. Forensic Training Group is the authorized trainer for Synercon Technologies (
Eligible for ACTAR credits
This Virtual Crash Training for Law Enforcement is conducted over three days to give the law enforcement collision investigator the ability to utilize the VCrash software in traffic crash collision analysis.
Virtual Crash is used to simulate motor vehicle accidents, as well as pedestrian impacts, in full 3D. It can also be used to draw scale diagrams, build and manipulate 3D models and terrain environments, and create stunning and incredibly life like high-definition animations.
Topics Include (but not limited to) setup, an overview of Virtual Crash functionality, the user interface, simulation basics, building environments using scene data, simulating Pedestrian impacts, simulating cyclist impacts, simulating Articulated Vehicles, simulating Heavy Truck impacts. Forensic Training Group is the authorized trainer for Virtual Crash Software for Law Enforcement.
Eligible for ACTAR credits
Need a program not listed or a variation of one already developed? We have the expertise and ability to develop a variety of other courses. Give us a call with your request, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
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